
Saturday, August 9, 2014

More than Forever

Allow me to recount my past love only this time. Not out of bitterness, but as a testimony of how God loved me.

I have been told six years ago, by the person whom I called my great love then that I am not worth a marriage. He didn't love me enough to make it to forever. My 21 year old self was shattered. Eventually, I found out that Forever, to that boy, is his ex-girlfriend. And he loved me less than forever.

Back then, I was still re-establishing my relationship with the Creator. I have been crying out loud to Him always of the pains and the injustice my love life has given me to the point of questioning Him of His plans for me. Despite my being stubborn,  He has never failed to sustain me. He made me whole again.

When I learned to surrender, I prayed for Him to give me a man after His heart in His perfect timing. I prayed for a guy to love me more than forever as I prayed to be the woman worth that love. I prayed for healing too and of course the grace to forgive myself and the boy who broke my heart.

Today, I am God's testimony of His faithfulness. In a year's time, I will marry the man He has prepared for me. Amazing. I am overwhelmed with the mixed of emotions I am feeling all at the same time. One year to go and I will be a Mrs. The wait may seem long, but I am taking the remaining days of being single, to preparing myself for the new role God has entrusted me. Thank You Lord for my more than Forever. You rock.