
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Be better at this

So this blog I'm following by Ruth Soukop challenged me to overcome that one thing that's holding me back from pursuing the things I want. Well, I guess there's just too many of it? 

I'll zero in on writing/blogging for now, considering that I was really inspired by the feedback from my last guest post  on a friend's blog. 

I want to get better at writing. Back in college, I remembered one composition with all the red marks from the professor. He said all my ideas were great but the structure needs to be reviewed. And what's the best way to improve style and structure? Yes, practice. 

I'd be posting a short blog everyday (for 7 days) starting tomorrow. The goal is to get into the habit or writing, improve my writing style and yes, inspire in my own way (as if! :D) And if you are one of my friends who wants to start writing as well, I'd be more than happy to support. Be my guest blogger and let's grow together.